design thinking games

Hello, I'm Evon.

I enjoy distilling complex product strategy into understandable concepts to create a shared vision and impactful outcomes.

Guided by intentionality and authenticity for Collaborative Innovation

I am committed to fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. Guided by my core principles of intentionality and authenticity, I strive to understand and harness the unique talents within my team. By fostering a culture where everyone feels valued and encouraged to be their authentic selves, we create a safe space that transforms diversity into our most valuable asset. This approach not only drives design excellence but also ensures our work makes a meaningful impact on the lives of our users, as we grow and innovate together in a truly inclusive environment.

Fostering Creativity for Social Impact

As a Co-founder of Design Thinking Games, I combine the power of fun and creativity to teach design thinking principles and tackle complex societal issues. Through engaging games and interactive experiences, we not only make learning about design thinking enjoyable but also empower individuals to collaboratively explore and address pressing social issues. By blending playfulness with purpose, we foster both creativity and social impact, inspiring meaningful change in our communities.

“Evon is an asset to any team. She set up many non-existent design operations, e.g. Journey mapping, research, etc. Evon played a major part in mentoring and upskilling designers. She is truly a dependable design partner for any product management and engineering triad.”
— Grace Halim, Group Product Manager at Atlassian

Design Discussions

Evon and Elaine are co-founders of Design Thinking Games, sisters and designers. They have spoken about Myths and Misconceptions of User Experience at the University of Melbourne in 2019.
— Fun Fact

Academy XI

Human-Centred Design for Everyday Life

Monash University

Careers of the Future

Academy XI

Benefits of a solo UX designer vs a UX design team

Melbourne Design Awards

  • Gold award for William Angliss Institute Experience Uplift


    2019: William Angliss Institute Experience Uplift

  • Silver award for app


    2019: Mobile App Experience design

  • Gold for Monster Money App


    NAB Labs Hackathon 2017: Monster Money App

Companies I've Worked With